all natural medicines I use

A friend recently told me she wanted to know all the medicines I used for the kids when they were sick and said I should do a blog post, so here it is! First off, I am not a doctor at all, I just like using really good, all natural products for myself and my kids and was raised that way as well. I don’t give ibuprofen or antibiotics until ABSOLUTELY necessary. I am the queen of spotting a cold the minute it hits and targeting it right then to fight it. With myself and my kids if I can catch it fast enough, it will be gone within 48 hours. Sometimes, even 24 hours! That’s amazing! I also use essential oils, courtesy of my SIL! They are expensive, so I only have a few but I LOVE THEM! We put them on the body and diffuse them as well. I also grew up using homeopathic remedies and still use them to this day. You have to start using these medicines the minute you or your child starts feeling badly. Some of them you can use every 2 hours to really target it and fight it right away, so stay on top of it!

  • I love Zarbees and Hylands baby products and buy almost all of them
  • When I do need to buy Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen I buy the dye-free one
  • Young Living Essential Oils is something that you have to learn how to use. Each oil does something different and you just need to know how to use them. For oils I have Thieves, R.C, Frankinsense, Peppermint and Lavender.


Here a few of my favorites products I keep in the pantry all the time.

For Adults

Cold, Sore Throat, Cough and Flu


For Toddlers 2 years up

Cold, Cough, Vitamins

For Babies

Cold, cough
