the best chic maternity brands

Everyone knows I’ve been obsessed with overalls since last summer. My pair I have from Madewell are pretty much perfect and I found these maternity ones and are even more obsessed! They are so comfy and stretchy and I love the hem on them! I have been able to really find some cute maternity clothes and wanted to do a “round up” of some of my favorite pieces and brands that are a little different and super chic when it comes to maternity clothes.

dressing the bump


I love love love how most of their dresses do not have the ruching sides so you can technically wear these even non pregnant and you can wear these after while your nursing too. The quality is really good too. The material is super soft and thick and just really well made. I have  few dresses from them and have loved all of them.

maternity overalls


Probably the chicest maternity brand I’ve find to date. They kept all the normal fashions like jumpsuits and just made them maternity. And, everything is neutral colors and stripes which obviously I love! I’m working with them in May, but couldn’t wait to share them!

second trimester clothes

Bae the Label

This brand is also super chic and neutral colored which I love. They are known for their skirts that are worn high over the bump with I love because you can still wear your normal tees like I did here. It’s a little different look then just wearing a body-con dress and it’s super versatile because you can wear SO many tops with the skirt.
