Working Stay at home Mom

I get asked a lot about my schedule with the kids and how I fit all my work in, since I do most of it from home, with both babes! It’s crazy! I have part time help with Foster-two days a week for about 5 hours, and then Finley has school three days a week for 5 hours a day, but right now he’s been out from school, so he’s been home. I thought I would do a post on it, because honestly, it’s stressful to me, so maybe it can help other working moms! The most important thing is to be super organized and scheduled, and I’ve had to learn to let go of the small stuff that doesn’t matter ( like picking up every toy all day long). I hope this can help you as a working mom, or even as a non-working mom! It took me almost 8 months to figure out this schedule, but it’s working well for our family now!

  1. Plan out each week in advance-I plan my whole week out on Sunday. My husband and I both do this actually, together and separately. That gives me a good idea as to if I’m busy or not, blog posts that need to go up, what I need to post on Instagram (yes, a lot is planned ahead of time!), and I even schedule my fun times (brunch etc.) and gym time. That way nothing gets lost in the shuffle and everything is down to a time. If I’m busy with work then fun times don’t happen that week, and gym time gets pushed to nights or mornings. My work has to be done when I have my childcare so that is my #1 priority. If I finish my work, then I can do errands, gym etc. but work is first, while I have the help. So an example would be: 9am drop Finley off at school, work on blog posts and e-mails, 11 am shoot campaigns or outfits, 12 pm other computer work ( editing, more e-mails). 1pm quick gym time, 2pm pick up Finley and come home for Foster. My husband and I also talk about our week, if we have any events at night that we need the other to watch the kids, date nights with each other get planned, work meetings at night etc. so we know what to expect from each other that week and no surprises! We plan at least 2 dates together each month and get babysitters and at least 2 other fun things separately with friends so no one starts to feel trapped at home!
  2. I use a big calendar I can write in-I like to use an old school calendar that I can actually write in and highlight. I actually find them at the dollar store and always grab a few. I like to see my whole month out in front of me and I can write my goals, my income, highlight due dates, and see everything laid out. Then I put all the dates in my phone, but I always have a backup that I can check.

3. Use nap times as work times-anyone that knows me knows I’m a nap nazi-and extremely strict with sleep with my babes. Finley is 3.5 years old and still naps, or takes quiet time for 1.5 hours a day. Foster naps twice a day, 1.5 hours each time. I want this time for myself, and it works well for my family because my kids are happy and rested. That being said, on the days I have no help, a lot of times I have to use this time to work or catch up on e-mails. So that means that housework gets put behind, and forget watching t.v. It was super hard for me to let the house work go, because I love a very neat, everything put away home, but I was going crazy trying to run around and put every toy away, work and possibly shove something in my mouth before the kids woke up. Also, please note that my kids don’t nap at the same time! So the morning baby nap, Finley plays by himself or watches a show while I work. That was also something we had to work on! Everything after that gets done at night, when the kids go back to sleep! I sacrifice a lot, I don’t watch much TV, never get to read, and if I go out at night, I know that I’ll have to wake up early the next day to get my work done before the kids wake up!

4. Keep Sunday free-since my husband and I are both home on Sundays together, it’s a great way to get things done for the week since we can help each other. We started this a few years ago, and it helps me mentally so much! We usually take turns working out, so we kick start our week with already a work out in, I get all the laundry done for the week, and we meal prep for about Sunday-Wednesday. We also can get any work stuff done that needs to be completed. This frees me tremendously during the week to not have to think about lunches and dinners for a few days, and to have the house organized before Monday starts my week really fresh for me, so I can spend more time with the kids.

5. Join a nice gym-one that is clean and has good childcare, where you feel like you can bring your kids and are happy, and has wifi! This was a life saver! I never did this with Finley, and could never bring him with me and workout during the day. And, here’s a secret-I don’t always WORK OUT. Sometimes I WORK! Yep! Usually Tuesdays and Wednesdays when I’m with the kids all day we go to our gym for about 1.5 hours and they LOVE it, and I get on my computer and get work done. Just that little hour helps me catch up on e-mails and get anything posted that needs to be, and I don’t feel overwhelmed! It has been so, so, helpful!

I hope this has helped you get a little insight into a crazy busy schedule that does allow me to be a mom, and have my own interests and work. Work makes me feel good and important, and it also allows me to help financially so it’s important to me! I believe that you can be a mom, and you can have balance in your life. I don’t believe when people say you can’t have it all, I think we should strive TO have it all! Xo

