How I get out of the house with two babes

I DON’T SLEEP! JK! Although I’m not sleeping much ( Foster is 8 weeks as I type so I’m sleeping about 4-5 hours a night) the key to success here is just a lot of planning. Here are a few tips I use daily to get out of the house with both kids, because Lord knows it’s crazy. I do think though the more you do it, the better it gets and you get more confident in yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself either. I was NEVER late before kids and now I just gotta let it go sometimes. If your toddler needs to poop he needs to poop.

uppababy cruz

  1. WAKE UP BEFORE THE KIDS-Finley was sleep trained at 3.5 months so he always gets up at 7am. Even if he wakes up before, he doesn’t come out until I get him. Foster will also be sleep trained, but for now I just get up very early. This time while they are still sleeping lets me do my hair, makeup, and drink my coffee and sometimes get lunch and breakfast done. It’s GOLDEN.
  2. PLAN OUFITS THE NIGHT BEFORE-I do this in my head. What is everyone going to wear, including myself. In the morning just grab and go. I don’t fight with Finley over clothes, sometimes I give him two choices and that’s it.
  3. PACK LUNCH THE DAY OR NIGHT BEFORE-If I’m cooking dinner and setting aside leftovers for us I’ll just go ahead and pack it in Finley’s lunchbox. We do lots of meal planning at our house and Finley gets the same food as us. See this post for ideas on food.
  4. PUT BABY ON A SCHEDULE-At 8 weeks I started Foster on the Babywise schedule, pretty much meaning feed and sleep on a schedule. That way you can plan your day easier and I chose her wake time based on Finley’s school schedule since that’s what we do most of the time. This way I can plan the morning since I will know (give or take) when she is going to wake and feed. More on this in another post coming or message me on Instagram!